En ny pelsstandard "Chinchilla Production Standard" er udviklet af Baltic Academy i samarbejde med standardens ejer, International Fur Federation (IFF). Målet var at skabe en robust protokol til revision og certificering af chinchillafarme i Europa samt give en sikkerhed for specifikke elementer, der er relevante for dyrevelfærd (dvs. de fem domæner). Chinchillaen, som er hjemmehørende i Andesbjergene, er blevet avlet i fangenskab siden 1922 og er kendt for sin luksuriøse bløde pels.


Baltic Academy har været en nøglespiller i udviklingen af denne protokol, lige fra at undersøge videnskabelige artikler til at lede ekspertgruppen og publicering af den færdige standard i november 2023. Chinchilla-standarden er den seneste dokument i IFFs dyrevelfærdsportefølje der alle sammen opfylder kravene i IFFs Furmark-system med hensyn til dyrevelfærd, bæredygtighed og sporbarhed.


Ønsker du at vide mere om processen og udviklingen af denne eller din egen standard, så er du meget velkommen til at kontakte projektleder Louise Ring på mail: lmr@balticcontrol.com



A new fur standard “Chinchilla Production Standard” has been developed by Baltic Academy in cooperation with the standard’s owner the International Fur Federation (IFF). The aim was to create a robust protocol for the audit and certification of chinchilla farms in Europe and provide

assurance of specific elements relevant to animal welfare (i.e., the Five Domains). The chinchilla, which is native to the mountain ranges of the Andes, has been bred in captivity since 1922 and is known for its luxurious soft fur.


Baltic Academy has been a key player in the development of this protocol, from researching scientific articles to managing the Technical Advisory Committee and finally publishing the finished standard in November 2023. The Chinchilla standard is the latest addition to IFF’s animal welfare portfolio of standards that meet the requirements of IFF’s Furmark system with regard to animal welfare, sustainability and traceability.

If you would like to know more about the process and development of this or your standard, please do not hesitate to contact Project Coordinator Louise Ring at lmr@balticcontrol.com

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